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Varithena Procedure

Earlier this year, the FDA approved an injectable medicine for treatment of varicose veins and venous insufficiency.

What is Varithena?

Varithena is a specialized solution of pre-made foam solution specially developed for chemically ablating the saphenous vein and varicose veins. The active component of this solution polidocanol received FDA approval about 3-4 years ago, even though it was one of the most commonly used sclerosing solutions worldwide. In February 2014, Varithena became the first FDA-approved injectable foam for closing veins.

What makes this solution is special is that unlike the foam solutions that are currently used, in which the foam is created in the surgeon’s office, Varithena is pre-foamed and ready for use. It’s theorized to be more effective than other foams, because the manufacturing process makes more consistent foam, which allows for better contact with the vein wall. Although its approval is brand new, knowledgeable vein surgeons have been waiting for its approval for about 10 years. Studies were performed in the United States were presented and the FDA determined it to be a safe, effective, and minimally invasive way to eliminate varicose veins.

How does Varithena Procedure work for Varicose Veins?

Varithena procedure works How does Varithena work?by creating inflammation to the inside lining of the wall of the vein and causing the vein to go into spasm and close. The difference between Varithena and other solutions, is that it appears to be much more effective. One really interesting side note about foam solutions is that the foam is rendered inert by the presence of blood. So, as the foam leaves the treated area, and enters the blood in the vein, it becomes completely benign.

Is Varithena safe?

The FDA has determined that Varithena is safe. BTG, the company that produces Varithena, is incrementally releasing Varithena into the U.S. The good news is that Dr. Bardwil was chosen to be one of the first vascular surgeons in the country to have access to this exciting new therapy. Dr. Bardwil performed the first two Varithena treatments in Houston in September 2014.

What is the advantage to having your veins treated using Varithena by a Houston Vein Specialist?

The surgery for treatment of varicose veins is already less invasive than the surgical procedures that were previously performed. This treatment is even less invasive, and has an even easier recovery.It is not recommended for everyone with varicose veins, and it requires an experienced vascular surgeon, to determine whether you would be a candidate for treatment.

As Dr. Bardwil is one of the first vascular surgeons to test this procedure in the USA, you will be in safe hands if you come to treat your veins at Texas Vein and Cosmetic Specialists.

Get in touch today!

If you are interested in finding out more about Varithena procedure, or about the available options for treatment of your veins, call Texas Vein and Cosmetic Specialists today for an appointment. Or, you can visit us on our Houston or Katy locations.

Useful links for patients

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