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Category Archives: Varicose Vein Treatment


Oct 2019
¿Estás tratando tus venas varicosas en un “molino” de venas?

¿Estás tratando tus venas varicosas en un “molino” de venas?

Soy el Dr. Michael Bardwil, cirujano vascular y propietario de Texas Vein and Cosmetic Specialists: todos los días trato a pacientes con venas varicosas en Houston, Texas. Quiero preguntar, ¿sabes lo que es un molino de vena? Si un criadero de cachorros se define como una “operación comercial de cría de perros a gran escala en la que se da prioridad a las ganancias sobre…

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Jun 2019
Preguntas principales sobre las venas varicosas

Preguntas principales sobre las venas varicosas

Obtener información precisa de una fuente confiable sobre una condición médica es de suma importancia. Por lo tanto, siempre es mejor abordar sus preguntas e inquietudes con un especialista en venas con experiencia y calificado profesionalmente en Houston, Texas. Las venas varicosas son un problema médico común que normalmente no se consideran graves ni ponen en peligro la vida. Y, sin embargo, como suele ocurrir…

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Mar 2019
¿Necesita consultar a un cirujano vascular por venas varicosas?

¿Necesita consultar a un cirujano vascular por venas varicosas?

Tienes venas varicosas, pero ¿eso realmente requiere un cirujano vascular? La respuesta es sí, porque la mayoría de los tratamientos implican procedimientos quirúrgicos mínimamente invasivos. Es fácil ver la palabra cirujano y entrar en pánico, pero no todas las cirugías implican anestesia intensa y largas estancias en el hospital. Obtenga más información sobre los cirujanos vasculares en Houston y cuándo necesita consultar a un médico…

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Jan 2017
Varicose Vein Treatment Analogy

A Simple Analogy Of Varicose Vein Treatment

Our vein clinic provides treatment for varicose veins in Houston, TX, and when it comes to explaining how the treatments work, the best analogy that I have heard is comparing them to a large waterfall. The idea is to treat the underlying problem first, then to treat what is left, and finally any cosmetic issues. Obviously, if there is no underlying problem, the cosmetic issue…

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Dec 2016
Varicose Veins in Men

Varicose Veins in Men

When people think of varicose veins, they tend to think of them as a problem exclusively reserved for older women. But the truth is that a surprising amount of men suffer from varicose veins, spider veins and other related vein disorders. In fact, researchers estimate that anywhere from 20 to 50 percent of men in the United States will develop varicose veins sometime between the…

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Oct 2016
Top 5 Myths About Varicose Veins

Top 5 Myths About Varicose Veins

Varicose veins will affect up to 20% of men and 40% of women at some point in their lifetimes, and the condition becomes more prevalent with age. Although varicose veins cannot be 100% prevented, they can be successfully treated: we specialize in varicose vein treatment in Houston, Texas.  In addition to treatment, the likelihood of developing this condition can be minimized for both men and…

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Jun 2016

Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

Preventing varicose veins during pregnancy is something that floats across most moms-to-be’s minds at some point in time. The added blood volume, strain, and weight that is put on the body during pregnancy can really exacerbate varicose veins. To understand how these veins are caused and what can be done to prevent and treat them, you’ll need to understand what they are, first. Varicose veins…

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Jul 2015
Standing All Day May Accentuate Your Varicose Veins

Standing All Day May Accentuate Your Varicose Veins

Our vein clinic provides venous ablation for varicose veins in Houston, TX, and we think it is important that people know that standing all day can be tough on your back, knees, feet, and legs, but a job or hobby that requires you to stand for a long time also increases your risk for vein problems or can make existing vein problems worse. How Does…

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Jul 2015
Non-surgical Treatments for Varicose Veins

Non-surgical Treatments for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be more than an annoying cosmetic issue.  For some patients, they translate into a great deal of discomfort.  Gone are the days when getting rid of these unwanted and unsightly vessels automatically required extreme techniques like vein stripping.  Today, patients have a number of non-surgical varicose vein treatment alternatives in addition to several types of surgery. How Varicose Veins Develop Understanding how…

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