Apr 2019¿Las arañas vasculares son permanentes?
Es una buena práctica cuando se busca cualquier tipo de intervención médica elegir un especialista médico bien calificado y con experiencia confiable en ese campo. Si está buscando un tratamiento para sus arañas vasculares, se recomienda que busque un cirujano vascular experimentado. Es natural querer deshacerse de las arañas vasculares de forma permanente. Al igual que las venas varicosas, las arañas vasculares son una afección…
Mar 2019¿Debería preocuparme por mis arañas vasculares?
Las arañas vasculares son venas superficiales, de apariencia azul o roja, que son visibles justo debajo de la superficie de la piel. Estas venas superficiales se llaman así porque se asemejan a un patrón en forma de telaraña. Suele ser común que aparezcan arañas vasculares en las piernas aunque también se pueden encontrar en la cara así como en otras partes del cuerpo como el…
Oct 2016How Does VeinGogh Work To Treat Unwanted Veins?
At Texas Vein & Cosmetic, we regularly treat spider veins with VeinGogh treatments in Houston, Texas. The VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis System – VeinGogh for short – is an effective treatment for spider veins on the face. VeinGogh is known for its quick, painless, and blemish-free treatment and results so, if you’re wondering how to treat your facial spider veins, VeinGogh is the answer you’ve been searching…
Apr 2015Are Spider Veins a Sign You Have Varicose Veins?
If you see lots of little spider veins on your legs, does that mean you also have varicose veins? The answer is maybe, because they both form for the same basic reason. The two types of vein problems are very similar, so they can go hand in hand. Having small veins pop up in your legs is routine for most people, however; and not necessarily…
Apr 2015Choosing Sclerotherapy For Your Vein Condition
The Benefits of Vein Treatment are Numerous Getting treatment for spider veins, small varicose veins, and reticular veins can make you look and feel better and more confident. One of the best treatments for these smaller issues is sclerotherapy. By using this option, you’ll have a short recovery time, and you can get back to your activities quickly. That’s great for active people or those…